International Advocacy

/International Advocacy
International Advocacy 2024-08-19T14:39:59-04:00

International Advocacy

IPO’s international activities span the globe in accordance with its vision of the global acceleration of innovation, creativity, and investment necessary to improve lives.

IPO’s mission is to promote high-quality and enforceable IP rights and predictable legal systems for all industries and technologies. The global acceleration of innovation, creativity, and investment is necessary to improve lives.

IPO advocates for harmonization of IP laws and procedures through its participation in the Industry Trilateral and IP5 Industry (which address harmonization of patent laws and procedures) and in stakeholder meetings, such as those with the ID5 and TM5 (which address industrial design and trademark issues). Through its committees, IPO also monitors international developments in IP, prepares comment letters to be filed around the world, holds meetings with government officials and stakeholder groups here and abroad, organizes webinars on trending topics, and submits comments for consideration by the U.S. Trade Representative as part of the Special 301 Report process. It also regularly participates in meetings at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

A Global Perspective on IP

Use the tabs below to see some of the ways IPO is working throughout the world on effective IP policies.

Comments on International Issues

IPO provides official comments on a variety of international issues. You can view all the testimony and comments here.

Events & Webinars

Meetings (In-person):


IPO has hosted a variety of webinars covering international issues. To view the current webinars, visit the IPO webinars page.

Webinars 2022 and older are no longer available online:

  • Life After Brexit – IP Developments UK and Europe – June 29, 2022
  • IP Developments in Russia: What You Need to Know  – June 9, 2022
  • Trending Global IP Issues Through the Lens of IPO’s Special 301 Comments – March 16, 2022
  • Drug Patent Linkage & Drug Patent Term Extension – Current Situation Around the World – November 16, 2021
  • Demystifying Design Rights and the Hague System
  • Approaches to Arbitration and Mediation, with a Focus on the U.S. and China
  • What’s New In Bad Faith and Why It Matters: Global Perspectives – Sept. 15, 2021
  • The Impact of the Brazilian Supreme Court Decision on the Patent Term – June 24, 2021
  • Opportunities for Patent Applicants in Latin America: Benefiting from Work Sharing Programs and Other Fast-Track Options – April 7, 2021
  • An Overview of Global Issues Based on IPOs Special 301 Comments – Mar 18, 2021
  • The USPTO IP Attaché Program: Structure, Goals, and the Current Situation in China – Mar 2, 2021
  • Approaches to Arbitration and Mediation, with a Focus on the U.S. and China
  • Waiving IP Protections to Address COVID-19: The WTO Proposals and Ensuring Equitable Access to the Vaccines
  • Patenting Computer Simulations in Europe Following Enlarged Board Case G1/19

Harmonization Related Work

IPO has worked alongside a number of organizations to further harmonization.

Ready to get involved in IPO?

Contact Matt Rankin  (+1 202-507-4496) to start the membership process. You can also begin your application online.