IPO has 28 active committees working on the most important areas of IP law and practice. Committees prepare reports and develop recommendations for the IPO Board of Directors on current IP law, policy, and business issues. IPO members are invited to join a committee which operates on 2-year terms. The current term began January 1, 2024 and ends December 31, 2025. Enrollment for the 2024-2025 committee term is now open.
Important Dates
January 29: IPO Board of Directors Meeting (Virtual)
February 2: Annual Action Plans Due
March 6: IPO Board of Directors Meeting (Washington Marriott at Metro Center, Washington, DC)
March 6-8: IPOwners Spring Summit (Washington Marriott at Metro Center, Washington, DC)
March 8: Committee Leadership Meeting (Washington Marriott at Metro Center, Washington, DC)
May 1: IPO Board of Directors Meeting (Virtual)
July 16: IPO Board of Directors Meeting (Virtual)
September 22: IPO Board of Directors Meeting (Hyatt Regency Chicago, Chicago, IL)
September 22-24: IPO Annual Meeting (Hyatt Regency Chicago, Chicago, IL)
October 28: IPO Board of Directors Meeting (Virtual)
IPO Connect
IPO’s professional networking site, IPO Connect, includes a Discussion eGroup for every committee. IPO Connect is linked with the IPO website and database so as new members sign up, they are automatically added to the distribution list. New committee members are encouraged to login to IPO Connect to view previous messages and get up to speed with the work of the committee. This is where you will often find the committee’s call schedule.
Find a Committee
A list of IPO’s Committees, including membership listings and charters can be found here.
Management Committees
Membership on IPO Management and Special Committees, which are devoted to administration and management of the association, is by invitation. Members of most of these committees are members of the IPO Board of Directors. Factors considered for selecting committee members are: past leadership experience, committee subject matter expertise, leadership attributes of the candidate, diversity of the candidate/member, whether the individual is already on other committees, and prior engagement on committees and with the Board. Appointments are made by the IPO President.
frequently asked questions
A: You will remain a member of the committee until the end of the current term. At the end of the term you will be asked to indicate whether you wish to remain on the committee. You may choose to sign up for the same committee or select a new committee at the start of the new term.
A: Committee members are expected to attend regular committee conference calls as their schedule allows; evaluate and vote on proposed resolutions or documents as requested by your committee leaders; and be an active participant of the committee. If you find that your current committee is no longer of interest or you would like to try something new, request to be switched to a new committee by contacting Hannah Denny in the IPO office.
A: You may be a voting member of one committee and a non-voting member of up to three additional committees. The one exception is any committee in the Business & Professional Division. Anyone can be a voting member of those committees.
A: A list of IPO’s Committees, including membership listings and charters can be found here.
A: In the fall of each year, nominations for committee chairs and vice-chairs are solicited from the IPO Board of Directors, current committee leaders, and the general membership via e-mail and the IPO Daily News™. Chairs, vice chairs and Board liaisons serve one year terms, and may be reappointed for multiple terms. Factors considered for selecting committee leaders are: prior committee engagement (both as a committee member and in other leadership roles, e.g., Secretary), committee subject matter expertise, leadership attributes, how the candidate will contribute to the diversity of IPO leadership, whether the candidate’s company/firm already has individuals in leadership roles on other committees (and how many), recommendations from board members, current committee leadership, and board and staff liaisons, and prior attendance at IPO events. Individuals may be reappointed for consecutive terms to maintain continuity, but new appointments are often made to give other individuals/members leadership opportunities with IPO. Appointments are made by the IPO President.