IPO Board Nominations

/IPO Board Nominations
IPO Board Nominations 2024-08-21T13:58:16-04:00


Board of Directors Nominations Information

The IPO Board consists of five regular corporate members, one inventor member, and 44 sustaining members.  Sustaining members of the Board are elected for two-year terms and may be reelected for an unlimited number of terms.  Regular corporate members are elected for two-year terms, which may not be renewed for a consecutive term.

Candidates will be nominated by the Nominations Committee and elected by the full Board if the seat has become open in the middle of a term.  The term for the new sustaining board member will be determined by the seat the organization is filling.  Generally, terms run for two years beginning 1 January and ending 31 December.  The board member will be eligible at the end of a term for reelection by the full IPO membership at that time.

Requirements for IPO Board Members

  • Seats on the IPO Board of Directors are held by corporate members of IPO.  The individual representing the company on the board is typically the Chief IP Counsel.
  • Board members are expected to attend three of the five board meetings each year.  The majority of these meetings are in Washington, D.C.
  • Board members are also required to sign the IPO Board of Directors Commitment Document affirming their understanding of the roles and responsibilities of board members.
  • Sustaining members of the Board pay higher membership dues than regular members. (Regular corporate members do not pay increased dues during their term on the board.)  Dues categories for sustaining members are based on a company’s annual sales as follows:
    • S1 – Greater than $50 billion annual sales: $41,505
    • S2 – $10 billion to $50 billion annual sales: $32,280
    • S3 – Less than $10 billion annual sales: $23,085

Factors Taken into Consideration by the IPO Nominations Committee

  • Amount of time the company has been a member of IPO.
  • The amount of time the individual being considered to represent the company has been involved with IPO, either through the company up for consideration or elsewhere.
  • The number of employees of the company who participate in IPO Committees and their level of engagement (particularly in leadership roles).
  • The number of employees of the company that have participated in IPO or IPOEF meetings or events in recent years and level of engagement (e.g., planning or speakers).
  • Diversity that the company and the individual being considered to represent the company will bring to the Board.
  • Whether the individual being considered to represent the company has served on the Board in the past and how they performed in that role.
  • Whether the individual being considered to represent the company is the correct person from the company to do so (i.e., the highest IP position).
  • Whether the individual being considered to represent the company has the time to commit to board service and can afford to attend board meetings.

To nominate a candidate for consideration by the IPO Nominations Committee, e-mail the individual’s name and contact information to Jessica Landacre.  All nominees will be asked to confirm their ability to sign the Board of Directors Commitment Document and, for sustaining members, to pay the increased dues amount in advance of consideration by the Nominations Committee.


Contact Sydney Parrish or 202-507-4512.