Sale prices for patents are way down from a few years ago, but that hasn’t stopped sellers from putting patents on the market. Companies that are discouraged by their own licensing or litigation prospects are trying to find buyers who want those patents for reasons of their own. This webinar will focus on the legal and strategic considerations in readying a patent portfolio for sale. The patent market is much more liquid than it was ten years ago, yet experts say that many patent sellers still come to the table unprepared to answer important questions. Our panel features an in-house counsel at an active buyer of patents, and lawyers at two top IP strategy firms. They will discuss important aspects of readying a patent portfolio for sale, including:
- Chain of title issues;
- Patent and invention assignment language;
- Encumbrances;
- Inventorship; and
- Terminal disclaimers.
They also will discuss strategy issues about how to best highlight the value of a portfolio, the inclusion of non-U.S. patents, the optimal size of a portfolio, and the use of brokers.
Themis Chryssostomides, Qualcomm, Inc.
Kent Richardson, Richardson Oliver Law Group
James Trueman, Ocean Tomo