Europe has historically had a patchwork of differing trade secret laws, with some countries having no remedies for the theft of proprietary trade secrets, and many others providing only criminal— but not civil—remedies. So it’s big news that on May 27 the EU Council unanimously adopted the EU Trade Secrets Directive that provides minimum standards for trade secret protection. The 28 Member States have until 2018 to implement the provisions.
This European move comes a mere month after passage of the U.S. Defend Trade Secrets Act, which for the first time provides a federal civil remedy for the misappropriation of trade secrets. Our panelists will discuss and compare the two regimes and give advice on what their implementation means for U.S. companies. Topics to be discussed include “long-arm” provisions, which make it unlawful for a person who was aware or should have been aware of a trade secret theft to offer for sale infringing goods, and could offer a way to ban imports; protections for whistleblowers; and procedures to keep trade secrets private during enforcement and litigation.
Audra Dial, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
James Pooley, James Pooley PLC
Mark Ridgway, Allen & Overy LLP