IPO Member Mentoring Program

/IPO Member Mentoring Program
IPO Member Mentoring Program 2024-08-06T11:54:41-04:00

The IPO Mentoring program provides IPO members of all experience levels an opportunity to learn and grow with support from fellow members in the IPO community.  Experienced members and IP leaders are encouraged to volunteer as mentors and share ideas with their early-career colleagues who will be the next generation of leaders.  Members seeking guidance from their more senior colleagues may volunteer as mentees.


Please read through the below introduction to the program and submit the application at the bottom of the page.

Who Can Be a Mentor?

Experienced corporate and law firm members who are motivated and able to make the time and commitment to a mentee for the second half of 2024.  Examples include IPO Board members who are often chief IP counsel, their direct reports or senior team members and members of the Emeritus Committee

Who Can Be a Mentee?

Any law firm or corporate member seeking career guidance who is motivated and able to make the time and commitment to a mentor for the second half of 2024.

Format of Mentoring Meetings

In-person or virtual format (call/video); minimum commitment of 4 separate, recommended 1-hour meetings (or other structure that would fulfill a recommended 4-hour minimum commitment); confidentiality of the mentor-mentee content to be maintained.

OPTIONAL: There will be an optional in-person meet-up opportunity for mentors and mentees at the 2024 IPO Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.

Rules and Expectations of Participants

  • NO sharing of confidential client/company information of any kind.
  • Not designed to support junior staff to improve on-the-job, substantive IP onboarding or performance
  • Not an employee recruiting or job solicitation forum

Expectations of pairs:

  • Confidentiality of conversations is required
  • Aimed at relationship building
  • Responsibility of the mentee to schedule meetings
  • Commitments for meeting whether by phone, video or in person are endeavored to be kept
  • Share experiences, knowledge and ideas
  • Share resources and connections as appropriate
  • Advise and guide – not criticize
  • Work jointly towards established goals

Deadline: August 9th, 2024. The program will match pairs in August and run through 2024.