IPO 2017 Annual Meeting
IPO Standing IP Committee Organized Breakout Sessions
18 September 2017 | 4:00pm-5:30pm
Protection for Fashions and Designs in the Age of 3D Printing and Star Athletica
Organizing Committees: Copyright Law & Anti-Piracy and Industrial Designs
Recent developments in case law as well as in computer technology have led to rapid changes both in the way businesses and consumers create and use products and in the way copyright and other forms of intellectual property can protect product designs. Panelists will examine the challenges these changes create for companies in a range of industries and explore strategies in the areas of product design, marketing, IP protection, and enforcement.
Moderator: Jenevieve Maerker, Foley Hoag LLP, Boston, MA
- Robert Katz, Banner & Witcoff, Ltd., Washington, DC
- Carolyn Knecht, HP Inc., Palo Alto, CA
Deborah Greaves, Brutzkus Grubner Rozansky Seror Weber LLP, Woodland Hills, CA
All Bark, No Bite: An Analysis of IP Contractual Terms that are Unenforceable or Result in Unintended Consequences
Organizing Committee: IP Licensing
Several commonly used provisions in IP licenses and other technology-related agreements, which are unenforceable or when applied often lead to unintended results, will be analyzed in this session. Speakers will discuss relevant case law examples and make suggestions on provision language and policy practices to help avoid unnecessary complications.
Moderator: Christopher Smith, Brooks Kushman P.C., Southfield, MI
- Jennifer Carnahan, Dow Chemical Co., Freeport, TX
- Adrian Cyhan, Dinsmore & Shohl LLP, San Diego, CA
- Andrew Wojnicki, IBM Corp., Armonk, NY
Practical Aspects of the European Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court
Organizing Committee: European Practice
European IP law will soon see its biggest change since the creation of the European Patent Office: the implementation of the Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court. Panelists will discuss how best to create, manage, and enforce rights under the new systems.
Moderator: John B. Pegram, Fish & Richardson P.C., New York, NY
- Michele Connors, Dell Technologies, Hopkinton, MA
- Rob Furr, INVISTA S.À.R.L., Wilmington, DE
- Scott Harrison, Swindell & Pearson Ltd., Derby, United Kingdom
- Aloys Hüttermann, Michalski • Hüttermann & Partner, Düsseldorf, Germany
Trends in Corporate IP Management
Organizing Committee: Corporate IP Management
Key findings of IPO’s 2017 Corporate IP Management Benchmarking Survey and noteworthy comparisons to previous surveys (2013, 2011, 2009, and 2006) will be presented during this session. Chief IP counsel representing diverse industries will comment on the analysis of the survey results and off their insights on its implications for future changes in corporate IP Management.
Moderator: Rob Williamson, IpPerformance Group, Inc., Naperville, IL
Trend Analysts:
- David J. Arthur, Xerox Corp., Rochester, NY
- Jeff Fougere, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Alexandria, VA
- Todd Reynolds, Rolls-Royce Corp., Indianapolis, IN
Subject Matter Experts:
- Tom Beall, Corning Inc., Corning, NY
- Colm Dobbyn, MasterCard International Incorporated, Purchase, NY
- Dan Enebo, Cargill Incorporated, Wayzata, MN
China: The Developing Frontier for IP Procurement and Enforcement Trends and Current Status
Organizing Committees: Asian Practice and Litigation
More patent applications are filed in China than anywhere else, and its court dockets are expanding at double-digit rates. With over 70% of China’s patents issuing to domestic companies, this session will explore the policies and procedures for handling such developments as well as how US and multi-national companies are reacting.
Moderator: Brian Horne, Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear, LLP, Los Angeles, CA
- Sam Li, Wan Hui Da Intellectual Property Firm, Beijing, China
- Michelle Shen, Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN
- Robert M. Siminski, Harness, Dickey & Pierce, P.L.C., Troy, MI
- John Scott, Qualcomm, Inc., San Diego, CA
International Filing Strategies and Cost Management
Organizing Committee: International Patent Law & Practice
The decision to draft, file and prosecute patent applications globally brings with it a multitude of strategic options, each having their associated costs. Panelists will provide tips that should be considered when filing globally, including International Jurisdiction Selection and Filing Strategy, International Cooperation Measures, Filing and Prosecution Formalities, Material Patentability Requirements, Drafting Applications fit for Global Prosecution and In House Organizational Models for Global Prosecution and Cost Management.
Moderator: Roger Gobrogge, ITIP ProFiciency, LLC, Fort Gratiot, MI
- Arvie Anderson, Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, IN
- Masahiko Miwa, Fukami Patent Office, Osaka, Japan
- Rebecca Rokos, Banner & Witcoff, Ltd., Chicago, IL
- Holger Tostmann, Wallinger Ricker Schlotter Tostmann, Munich, Germany