Antitrust in Asia: New IP Guidelines in China, Korea and Japan

//Antitrust in Asia: New IP Guidelines in China, Korea and Japan

Antitrust in Asia: New IP Guidelines in China, Korea and Japan

Antitrust in Asia: New IP Guidelines in China, Korea and Japan

For all the scrutiny the U.S. government has given to standard essential patents (SEPs) in recent years and to the commitment to license them under fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms, the U.S. Department of Justice has also taken care to express broad approval of patent standards. But in Asia, the governments of China, Korea, and Japan recently have taken a more punishing attitude toward SEPs. All three have either issued or have drafted new guidelines that create a competition law sanction for conduct involving SEPs, based on presumptive rules rather than the effects-based approach of the U.S.

Those same guidelines also blur the distinction between SEPs and valuable patents that are not in a standard, setting the stage for compulsory licensing of the latter. And in China, a draft guideline suggests that a dominant patent holder abuses its market position if it imposes a license that limits the licensee’s ability to challenge the validity of the patent. Our panelists include a founder of a Chinese law firm specializing in technology; a U.S. law firm expert on the intersection of antitrust and IP; and the director of a global antitrust institute who formerly served at the FTC. They will discuss the guidelines.

Jay Jurata, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Gabriella Liu, Beijing IParagon Law Firm
Koren Wong-Irvin, George Mason University, Global Antitrust Institute